Mobile App Template for Sharetribe

Sharetribe Mobile App from Journeyhorizon

Use our Demo app to get a feel for how it works. Download from the Apple Store and the Google Play Store.

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Launch Your Marketplace As A Mobile App

Journeyhorizon Mobile App Template for Sharetribe
Launch your app in a day without coding
Extend infinitely with code
Scale your business to any size
Juho Makkonen, Sharetribe Co-Founder and CEO

Matthew, Tri and the Journeyhorizon team have been working with us for over 6 years. One of our first Sharetribe development partners, they have helped our clients launch 60+ marketplaces and consistently delight our customers.

Juho Makkonen
Sharetribe Co-founder & CEO
Sharetribe Certified Expert
Sharetribe Mobile App Template from Journeyhorizon screenshot
Sharetribe Mobile App Template from Journeyhorizon screenshot
Sharetribe Mobile App Template from Journeyhorizon screenshot
Sharetribe Mobile App Template from Journeyhorizon screenshot
Sharetribe Mobile App Template from Journeyhorizon screenshot
Sharetribe Mobile App Template from Journeyhorizon screenshot


$199 USD
  • One time setup fee to build and deploy your app to the iOS and Android Play stores.
  • Does not include modifications to your marketplace to comply with Apple and Google policies.
$249 USD /mth
  • No Code mobile app on the iOS and Android platform
  • We build and ship the iOS and Android app
  • You must have an active iOS account and Google Play account
  • Includes updates for new no-code features on Sharetribe where possible
  • Includes one build and ship a month
  • Includes mobile server shared-hosting
$199 USD /mth

Live Environment

iOs / Android
Content Management
User SignUp and Login
Listing Creation
Listing Search
Custom listing fields and search filters
Listing types and transaction processes
--- Calendar booking
--- Purchase
--- Free Messaging
Online Payments with Stripe
Facebook and Google Login
Apple Login (iOS)
Delete User Account
Customise with Code
Number of Users
Number of Transactions
Number of Sharetribe API Calls
Support new no-code features
Support new requirements from Apple and Android for apps
Email Support
Coming Soon: User Fields | Categories

How To Get Your Mobile App Live

Contact Us
Sign a Mobile App SaaS Agreement
Pay your setup fee and first month subscription fee
Setup iOS account and invite our team as a developer contact
Setup your Google Play Store account and invite our team as a developer contact
Invite us to your Sharetribe Console
We build and deploy your App to the iOS and Android store

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to know how to code to deploy a mobile app?

No. We will build and deploy the mobile app for you. You just need to take care of the Apple Developer Account and the Google Play accounts.

Do I need to pay for hosting?

No. Your mobile app does not need to be hosted. However, for the mobile app to connect to Sharetribe console we need to host a Sharetribe Web Template; the fee for this is included in your monthly mobile subscription. When your app needs to handle a huge number of users, you can purchase a dedicated hosting server.

Is there a minimum commitment period?

No. But we do offer a 20% discount on an annual subscription.

Are there any additional costs to get my mobile app live?

Apple Developer account subscription is $99USD per annum. Google Play has a one time $25 USD fee.

Do you offer discounts for non-profits?

Yes we offer a 25% discount on non-profits and to full-time students.

Can I pause my subscription?

Yes. Pausing will result in us suspending your mobile server but not deleting it. If you restart your Sharetribe subscription and mobile subscription we will restart the server.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes. Pausing will result in us suspending your mobile server but not deleting it. If you restart your Sharetribe subscription and mobile subscription we will restart the server.

Do I need a Sharetribe subscription to use the mobile app template?

Yes. You'll need a Sharetribe Extend subscription to make your mobile app live and to connect it with Sharetribe's marketplace management tools. You only need the Extend plan when your mobile app is ready to go live.

Extend your Mobile App with custom code

If you are extending your Sharetribe marketplace you can also extend your mobile app.

The mobile app is built on Google Flutter and consists of a Mobile App Code and a Mobile App Server Code.

$349 USD/mth
Minimum 2 year commitment
Hosting of the mobile server

Journeyhorizon hosts - we can host the mobile server for you
We host all the necessary infrastructure to run your mobile app on Amazon Web Services and charge a small monitoring and maintenance fee each month on-top of your AWS consumption to cover our expertise.

Custom features we create for Sharetribe Web Template are also usually available for our Mobile template for Sharetribe.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a no-code marketplace and about to customise it. Will the mobile app work with our customised marketplace?

You are in a good spot. Our mobile app works with the latest version of the Sharetribe template with no issues. Talk to us about how you want to host the mobile app server, on your infrastructure or ours. But otherwise get your hands on the mobile template code and customise it at the same time as you customise the Sharetribe Web Template.

I have an existing customized marketplace. Will the mobile app work with our customised marketplace?

The answer is…it will depend. We will need to do a code review with you to determine a couple of things.What version of the Sharetribe Web Template you are on.
Have you made changes to the /server code in the Sharetribe template
Your hosting setup.

The outcome of this could be
1. Looks OK, take the the mobile code and make the same customisation you have made to the mobile template and you should be good to go.
2. Your template is old and badly coded. You will need to upgrade to the latest version of the template, reimplement your customisations in a more encapsulated way and then run with the mobile code.

Who owns the code?

Journeyhorizon owns the copyright for all code. We provide you the mobile app template under a Commercial license, royalty free, non exclusive, perpetual license.

What use of the codebase are prohibited?

You can't use our code to sell mobile development services to other third parties.

Who can work on the mobile codebase?

Anyone that has signed an NDA.

Can another developer work on the Flutter Code base other than Journeyhorizon?

Yes a third-party developer can work on the Flutter code base as long as they sign an NDA related to that code base. Any code written by them would be subject to the IP terms you agree with that developer. Our warranty would be void for the code part that has been modified because the developer might not follow our coding convention.

Can I make use of new no-code features once I customise?

Once you or a third-party customise your mobile code base you will need to merge code updates to the mobile template from our up-stream repository yourself. It is your choice as to whether you merge those updates or not.

Do I need to set up the Sharetribe Web Template to run a customised mobile app?

Yes you will. The mobile server is currently part of the Sharetribe template server. This will mean you need to upgrade to the Sharetribe Extend Plan to have access to the integration API and host the necessary server side components to make the mobile app function.